After reading scores of books on leadership, teamwork, discipline, and indeed performance, like many aspirant “self-improvers” out there, I recognise certain patterns and consistencies.
I have always been interested in sketching a user-friendly thought-model which could help any individual or team to accelerate their journey from average to automatic. By automatic I mean an approach which is habitual and sustainable (as well as adaptable), because it has accounted for many of the key soft skills we can control for our own improvement. I also wanted to distill from front-line feedback, several checklists which can help us all to understand what specifically aids the acceleration!
It is clear when you study or support champions or champion teams, that they dial in three critical success factors regarding what they can control. The first is the right mindset, the second is the right method or system, and the third is always a controlled preparation and learning climate (mood), with ideal conditions for optimal performance.
The global COVID-19 pandemic which is sweeping across our planet in 2020 may bring change, but a guaranteed constant will be what we can control in order to adapt to that change. This will most certainly include mastering the right mindset, the right method, and the right mood. Whether face-to-face, or virtually, we will also still need leadership, teamwork/homework, and discipline.
My latest book is an attempt to explore, integrate, and then connect mindset, method, and mood, so that we can master our own potential as leaders and teams.
The book is called Accelerating Automatic and I hope it will help people to master their own Ms to unlock their human potential, even in lockdown!