How to Rock Your Fitness Regimen at Home

Although gyms and yoga studios are widely available, you may…

Culture Transformation for O&G Teams

The objective of this review is to explore some of what is known…

Why Moodset?

I have been immensely privileged in my life to serve and lead…

Culture Transformation

“Culture is behaviour at scale”. (Bain & Company, Inc.…

Moodset for Maximum

I’m in a good mood, how about you? If I ask you to think about…


Environment is a fundamental component of moodset. Managing our…

Face Fear with Hope

Fear is a fascinating topic. Psychology Today describes fear…

Sure Offshore

I have worked on dozens of offshore rigs but it has been a while…

Performance Insights from "The Ten Pillars of Success"​ by Josephine Perry

This book surprised me. It was offered by Audible as a free book…


In 2016 I spent several months in Saudi Arabia. Exceed Performance…