One of my goals for 2016 was to publish a LinkedIn post every week of the year. My original intent was to promote to the oil-and-gas industry how performance coaching helps project teams, while providing nuggets of information about accelerated improvement, inspiring leadership, and innovative collaboration to my LinkedIn network in general.
The reality is that I discovered my calling. I found that as the year progressed, I had more ideas, not fewer, about what subject matter to explore next. I found that the words just flowed onto the pages and that I looked forward to publishing something new each week. It was not a chore; it was an indulgence! More importantly, my articles seemed to generate discussion and attract a positive response. This made me realize that there was a demand for what I enjoy offering the community—performance coaching insights from the front line.
This book is the first installment of fifty-two insights, but I intend to publish again and again. My weekly inspiration is unlikely to wane any time soon.