The Journey

In my 2021 TEDx Talk, I discussed family climate as well as workplace…

Language Unlimited

Language plays a massive role in the subtleties of moodset. Actual…

Turnaround Tales

When I was preparing for my TEDx Talk last year, one of the…

Music for Moodset

Most of us can relate to the initiation of Christmas soundtracks…

Peace by Piece

My wife has a love-hate relationship with puzzles. She loves…

Truth and Reconciliation

Last week we said goodbye to a true master. A master of moodset.…


Over the last week I listened to the audiobook Belonging by…

Carpe Diem

There is so much to learn and yet time can pass us by at a frightening…

Moodset Mood Board

A mood board (or inspiration board) is a physical or digital…

Performance Insights from "The Barcelona Way"​ by Professor Damian Hughes

This book is a brilliant read for anyone interested in a proven…